Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Top 5 Greatest Movie Franchises

There's no escaping a a movie sequel/reboot these days. Every time you turn on the TV there's a new preview about the next Saw sequel, or the lasted "(Fill in the Blank) Movie." Every Super Hero movie seems to come in 3s and, There are some that don't have any logical reason to exists; Cat's and Dog's, Baby Geniuses, Garfield. But every once in a while an amazing movie gets released, then quite astonishingly a sequel is made and not only is it just as good, but sometimes it's even better then the original. They are few and far between, but it happens. So here's a list of my favorite movie franchises. (I'm sorry, but Step Up did not make the list)

5. Harry Potter
It was inevitable that J. K. Rowling's massively successful book series would be made in to films eventually, but who could have guessed that they would be good, and not just a few of them, but all of them. The Harry Potter films have become a pop cultures phenomenon in their own right raking in billions of dollars world wide, and receiving rave reviews from critics with each new installment. With a top notch A-list cast, state of the art special effects, and brilliant production design, it's no wonder that these movies are such a success. Let's hope that with the final two films yet to be released, this series completes it's run of success as strongly as it began.

4. Star Wars (The Originals)
Back before I was in existence a small movie was released that pretty much changed the entire face of film and entertainment forever. That of course was Star Wars, a Titan of the movie world which still remains in the forefront of pop culture now forty years laters. There isn't much I can say about Star Wars that hasn't already been said about the originals. It's power is pretty much undeniable, yet their is that unfortunate mark on it's otherwise pristine face. I guess Lucas had more to say, to bad he couldn't hold it in. With the slight exception of Revenge of the Sith, The newest "official" Star Wars films came no where near the greatness that was the original three. Oh well, at least they weren't as bad as the Cystal Skulls, actualy, Attack of the Clones was pretty bad.

3. Toy Story
There are certain things in life that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. There are certain movies I can watch over and over again and be entertained every single time. The Toy Story franchise, from the movie gods at Pixar does just that, and so much more. With the third one just released, Toy Story has become a perfect trifecta of humor, heart, and endless nostalgia for kids and grownups a like. The first installment was a landmark in film. The first fully computer animated feature. Then with the second film Pixar upped the anti with even better visuals, and a better yet still simple, yet beautiful told story about Friendship, loss, and redemption. With the third movie, Pixar not only gained it's biggest finacial success, but ended the series on such a note that it is rumored to have made grown men cry. I unfortunately, am the only person in the world who hasn't seen it yet, but based on the reaction of pretty much everyone I know, Toy Story 3 did this already amazing series proud, an accomplishment that only a handful of movies can claim. Including the next trilogy on the list.

2. Lord of the Rings
When lord of the Rings first came out, I had not yet read the books. I was not aware of the massive following it had already amassed in the forty something years since it's original publication. I was not aware of the enormous undertaking that was happening with the making of these films. I remember a buzz began around the world after the first trailer was released a year before the first film. Then it grew and grew, until everyone around was going on and on about it, even be before it came out. I saw Fellowship on it's opening weekend, and it was a movie experience I will never forget. It change all my perceptions of what a movie could be. The scope, the vision, the sheer scale and grandeur of Fellowship was unlike anything I'd seen. It was my generations Star Wars. With the Second and Third film, Peter Jackson continued to up his game, and by the end of the third film, He had created film history. It has become the benchmark for all film trilogies since to live up to, and quite frankly I'm not sure it will ever be met. I'm afraid for the Hobbit. I hope it will finally be made, but I'm afraid it will not measure up to it's predecessors. We shall see.

1. The Godfather
This may be slightly controversial because as it has been said a million times that The Godfather part 3 is a big dud. By comparison to the other two I kinda, sorta agree, but as someone whose seen all three film many many times, each one, including the third film stand up on its own, aside from a few bad casting decisions. This is due to one person. Michael Corleone, one of the greatest characters ever to be written for the screen. His story from beginning to end is an engrossing, compelling, tragic saga about a once decent man forced into a world of greed and violence, and is surrounded by deceit and betrayed by people he loved and trusted. Throughout Michael forced to make decisions that haunt him and his family for the rest of their lives, and ones with shattering, unavoidable consequences, leading to a self-imposed exile. Without the third movie, I don't feel there would have been closure to his story. Regardless of how people feel about the the third one, the strength of the two other films make this franchise a landmark in film, the first film often cited as the greatest movie of all time. The Godfather will probably make a few lists, and it easily get's the number one spot on this one.

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